Parent Information
Tax Free Childcare
Peartree Barn Nursey is registered and accepts Payments via Tax free Childcare (TFC). For more information on this please follow the link below:
Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme
The Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme (NICSS) is an initiative designed to reduce the childcare costs of eligible working parents by 15%. The Northern Ireland Executive has agreed that the subsidy scheme will target working parents who are eligible for TFC and have children who have not yet started primary school. The scheme starts from 1st September 2024 and registration for it opens on the 5th August. For more information and to register for the scheme please use the link below:
Family Support NI
The Family support Ni website provides families in Northern Ireland with up to date information on a wide range of support services and childcare providers available in Northern Ireland.
Advice From Staff.
Day to Day information:
Please check seesaw, noticeboards, emails and social media pages to receive the most up to date information regarding what your child is doing at Peartree Barn Nursery.
If you need advice on anything within the nursery our management team are here to help:
Zoe Manley - Manager
Avril Hanna - Deputy Manager
Julie Ann Todd - Owner
You can contact them on 02892607622 or via email info@peartreebarnnursery.com
Peartree Barn Policies
To help ensure that we provide a high quality provision for all users or Peartree Barn Nursery we have a range of policies and procedures set out. Please use the link below to access our Parent Policy Booklet. If you have any questions related to these don’t hesitate to get in touch.